Session waits on all datababase
You can display information on all database session waits by below query. SET LINESIZE 200 SET PAGESIZE 1000 COLUMN...
You can display information on all database session waits by below query. SET LINESIZE 200 SET PAGESIZE 1000 COLUMN...
In some cases in Oracle databases, queries may run with bad plans due to optimizers not being able to make...
Disk scrubbing is available on Exadata cell nodes to automatically repair bad sectors on the disk when the system is...
In Oracle databases, indexes become fragmented over time and cause serious performance problems. Indexes must be checked regularly and, if...
After installing Oracle clusterware, we have often asked ourselves what we named the cluster. Unless we took screenshots, of course....
When you try to import an export from a database on Exadata to a database that is not on Exadata...
We can resize the ACFS file system online without having to umount or disable volume. For this, we use the acfsutil tool....
The cluster database configuration can be Policy-Managed or Administrator-Managed. A Policy-Managed database has instances managed on a per-server pool basis...
Oracle Flashback Query allows the use of select query with AS OF. It allows us to query as much of...
Exadata cellnode flash disks can sometimes have poor performance. If the error numbers are 0 (zero) or very low when...